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Automating the development process for retail - building CI/CD/CD


Ukrainian market chain with 7 stores in Kyiv as of 2022.

About the project

According to the customer's request, there was a need to create application runtime environments for business expansion and development. However, the customer’s system was not ready to increase the workload and reduce time-to-market for new functionality. We proposed a solution to automate the development process to quickly scale and reduce the time to expand functionality.


  1. The need to execute installation commands manually, which led to errors and service unavailability.
  2. Lack of environments and their required quantity that meet customer requirements.
  3. Lack of autoscaling of computing resources.
  4. Increased load on environmental resources.
  5. Increased requirements for the execution time of computing operation.
  6. Lack of automated checking (dependencies, quality checks, security requirements).



Creating the infrastructure to support the product life cycle.


Implementing CI/CD/CD — continuous application development and delivery life cycle.


Optimizing system load by running heavy processes on a scheduled basis during non-working hours.


Adding a static application security testing (SAST) method to find security vulnerabilities.


Ensuring stable operation of the system and minimum downtime resulting from system failure.


Setting up code quality and security compliance testing systems using a software product that implements SAST functionality.


  • Accelerating product time to market.
  • Reducing the probability of errors by minimizing the human factor to zero.
  • Reducing time for making changes and creating new processes by three times (release of updates, scaling).
  • As our solution is built on free products, we provide our customer with the opportunity to use a free alternative to paid products while providing the same functionality.
  • Additional security, vulnerability detection in programs, and risk reduction by 90%.

We also offer hybrid solutions for working with AWS CloudFormation. If you are interested — we are ready to share more information!

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    "Integrity Vision" LLC
    Ukraine, 04114, Kyiv City,
    Avtozavodska street, 54/19, 2A
    Tax Number: 37096369