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Integrity Vision and the Charitable Foundation "Blagomay" give warmth and support

With a mission to provide comfort and care for those in need, our company Integrity Vision, in cooperation with the Charitable Foundation "Blagomay", has taken an important step towards helping those in difficult life circumstances. This joint effort made it possible to provide charitable assistance to the Mudrychenko family-type orphanage in Sumy region, which has 9 children. The company provided electric heaters, sets of pyjamas, and warm tracksuits for each family member to protect them from the cold. The company also provided warm blankets and socks to keep the family warm and cosy. This charity initiative has become a vivid example of corporate responsibility and humanity. Integrity Vision was honoured to give warmth and care to the Mudrychenko family-type orphanage, which needs it.

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    "Integrity Vision" LLC
    Ukraine, 04114, Kyiv City,
    Avtozavodska street, 54/19, 2A
    Tax Number: 37096369